George Müller lived from 1805-1898. He started his life as a rebellious young man who stole and cheated, but later found Christ and gave his life to serve Him. His mission was to rescue orphans from the wretched street life that enslaved so many children in England. This was during the time of Charles Dickens and Oliver Twist, and street kids were not really taken care of as much as they are today. Müller rescued, fed, and educated these children by the thousands. The costs were enormous for such a great work. Yet, amazingly, he never asked anyone for money. Instead he prayed, and God provided everything needed and his orphans never missed a meal. He started this work with 50 cents, or the equivalent of such in today’s currency.

Müller founded The Scripture Knowledge Institute because he was disillusioned with the the worldly strategies (like going into debt) of existing mission organizations. Five branches of this Institute developed.

  1. Schools for children and adults to teach Bible
  2. Bible distribution Missionary support
  3. Tract and Bible distribution
  4. “to board, clothe and Scripturally educate destitute children who have lost both parents by death.”

He saw the great awakening of 1859. He also did follow up work for D. L. Moody, preached for Charles Spurgeon, and inspired the missionary faith of Hudson Taylor, even funding his missions trip.

George Muller – Robber of the Cruel Streets is a docu-drama that presents Müller’s life story and shows how God answered prayer and met all of his needs. It is a story that raises foundational questions regarding faith and finances. For me, the life of George Müller has been very inspiring and I pray it will be that way for you as well.

Image used by permission of the George Müller Charitable Trust