Amen, God is a good God.  1 Corinthians 2:9, the Bible plainly says, “Eyes have never seen, ears have never heard, it’s never entered into the heart of a human being the things that God has prepared for those that love Him.”  But, He reveals them to us by His Spirit.  And as you study the Bible, John 6:63, the Bible says that His Word is Spirit.  So the deep things of God, things that no one has ever seen, heard of, entered into their hearts, God reveals them to us by His Word.  And so I want to pray for you, that the eyes of your understanding would be opened and that you would begin to know the deep things of God that no one has ever seen, heard, or even thought about.  Let me pray for you right now: “Dear God, I thank you for these wonderful people within the sound of my voice, and I pray that the eyes of their understanding would be opened as never before.  That you would reveal to them things that their eyes, no human eye has ever seen, no human ear has ever heard.  Its never entered into the thought life or in the heart of a human being, the things that you have prepared for these people that are watching this video.  And I pray that the eyes of their understanding would be opened right now, in Jesus name.  That you would show them the deep things of God.  In the matchless name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.”  You be blessed.