How to get your prayers answered is not as difficult as it may seem. Everyone has needs and desires they hope God understands and honors. As Christians, we know God loves us. So, what’s the problem when we pray and pray and there is no answer?

This website is a labor of love to help you solve this problem. Kathryn Alyson has scoured the Internet to find the best teachings on how to live the Christian life. You will find everything from basic Christian teachings to how to stand in the courts of Heaven to intercede for someone else.
Keep in mind this takes commitment. Our majestic, omniscient God is not our servant. Rather we are His servant! It’s not so much that God has a plan for your life, as it is that God has a plan! Where do you fit in?

To find out, discover what others have found out about our awesome, powerful God and what our relationship to Him should really be like. It won’t be boring, I promise you!

You will find many resources … here are a few to get you started:
The Middle East conflict is up-front and center on the daily news. Do you know how it all started? Miles and Katherine Weiss share the history here with drama and facts.

Do you want to know and understand the Bible more? Then watch Zac Poonen’s 15 minute teachings on Christian Living. He is a Bible Teacher from Bangalore India, the author of many books on deeper spiritual truths and he has been planting churches all over the world for the past 40 years. Read about how God worked in an amazing way, to give my my heart’s desire, so that I could be baptized by Zac Poonen in the privacy of our home.

Prayers for healing are probably the most common prayer requests we receive on this website. Watch this story of how Thurman Scrivner healed his three-year-old granddaughter by praying after she had been in a horrific car crash. This grandfather was told that his granddaughter would not survive, but he guaranteed to the doctors that she would not only live, but that she would walk and see again!

Faith is a gift from God. But this gift has to be tenderly nurtured and cherished.
Notice how Thurman Scrivner’s faith had developed over the years before the crash. God gave him faith that is far beyond who most of us have. Yet Thurman teaches that we, too, can do the same things he does… the same things Jesus did. This is the goal of To help you grow in faith so that you, too, can walk in health!

Our desire is for you to successfully pray for yourselves and others and grow in your faith in Jesus Christ. We hope that the many resources on this website will motivate you to walk in the Spirit daily, live a holy life in a corrupted world, and safeguard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus so that you can experience the joy and abundant life He promises. Jesus said, “Until now you have asked for nothing in My name; ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be made full.” John 16:24