Miracles Glorify God in Japan | Mel Bond Watch as God performs great miracles among the people in Japan as Mel Bond prays for a blind woman, among many others Miracles Glorify God in Japan | Mel BondKathryn2014-08-01T08:00:56+00:00
Mel Bond Teaching the Power of Jesus God is not limited to the natural mind. In understanding the releasing of His anointing, there is a lot to learn. A Mel Bond Teaching the Power of JesusKathryn2012-11-28T07:00:54+00:00
Mel Bond Discerning Spirits – It’s Supernatural with Sid Roth 80% of Christians filled with the Holy Spirit are able to discern Spirits. God gives this ability because there is always a Mel Bond Discerning Spirits – It’s Supernatural with Sid RothKathryn2012-11-27T07:00:22+00:00