“Sept. 30, 1869. From Yorkshire £50. Received also One Thousand Pounds today for the Lord’s work in China About this donation it is especially to be noticed, that for months it had been my earnest desire to do more than ever for Mission Work in China, and I had already taken steps to carry out this desire, when this donation of One Thousand Pounds came to hand. This precious answer to prayer for means should be a particular encouragement to all who are engaged in the Lord’s work, and who may need means for it. It proves afresh, that, if our work is His work, and we honour Him, by waiting upon and looking to Him for means, He will surely, in His own time and way, supply them.”

This video series is based on the book “Answers To Prayer” From George Müller’s Narratives. The next video will teach us about The feeling of joy George Müller felt in answers to prayer.