I want you to allow me to give you some instructions and then pray with you about loved ones that are not born again. That their in captivity of the devil, the devil is working hay day in their lives. First of all, you need to realize we don’t have authority over human’s wills. But there’s some things that we can do. We can get rid of demonic forces that are influencing them then it makes it easy for them to be influenced by the spirit of God. So the first thing that we’re going to do is get rid of demonic forces that influence them. Secondly, we’re going to open up their understanding that they would be influenced by the spirit of the living God. Thirdly, we’re going to speak to the north, the south, the east, and the west, and command people that are on their frequency, people that they can relate to, that would come into their presence, place deposits of divinity in their lives, that would cause them to live a holy and a godly life. Let me pray with you about your loved ones and you insert their name as I pray. Dear God, I thank you for your power and in Jesus’ name, we pray for (this person, this loved one) and we take authority over demonic forces that tries to influence them. We take authority now, in Jesus’ name, and we command those demonic forces to leave them now in Jesus’ name. You can’t influence them any longer in the name of Jesus, and in Jesus’ name now we open up their understanding that they would be influenced by the spirit of the living God in Jesus’ name and now we speak to the north, the south, the east, and the west and we command people that would come into their presence, they would be influential to them beyond their frequency and they would place deposits of divinity, deposits of godliness right into their lives, that would cause them to live a holy and a godly life in Jesus name, Amen. Now I want to encourage you to pray that prayer, that simple little prayer everyday for that loved one or loved ones and have confidence God’s power is changing name. We can’t make them get saved but we can make it easy for them to get saved. You be blessed.
Am praying for Annie Ngozo,Susan Phili,Tinyade Ngozo,Nyasha Ngozo,Pangazako Ngozo,Mary-Ann Dhlamini,Isreal Praise,Gugulethu Mnqayi,Kelvin Chiduleni and Maxwell Mlazi for theirs sauls to be saved in Jesus name.PLEASEBELIEVE WITH ME.
Praying for Ding Ming Jie to be saved