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Robert Henderson has published a book and workbook entitled Operating in the Courts of Heaven ~ Granting God the Legal Right to Fulfill His Passion and Answer Our Prayers. You can find it on his website at RobertHenderson.org.

I have worked through the book and the workbook, and I’ve studied over 6 hours of his video teaching on Navigating the Courts of Heaven and Operating in the Courts of Heaven.  Links below:

Navigating the Courts of Heaven
Operating in the Courts of Heaven part 1 
Operating in the Courts of Heaven part 2 
Operating in the Courts of Heaven part 3 

This teaching is excellent and if applied properly, it works!  I studied these videos, read the book, and worked through the workbook in order to learn how to stand in the gap, and intercede on behalf of my daughter who moved out in February of 2014.  My husband and I were not in agreement with her decision and knew it would bring pain and suffering to her.  I was desperate to bring her home, and knew that I must learn how to work in the courts of heaven to get a verdict from the Father on her behalf.  Though she was living in sin, I made sure I was walking Holy before the Lord, and I stood in the gap on her behalf.

Our daughter returned home 9 months later due to circumstances I never thought would happen.  While Satan had every right to accuse her and try to steel, kill and destroy every good and precious thing God wanted for my daughter, I was able to stand in the gap, and then God was legally able to bring His will to earth, for my daughter.

Robert Henderson teaches powerful information on how to work in the courts of heaven, and backs it with scripture.

I’ve found a few other books on how to work in the courts of heaven, and each had something to add which helped me learn how to do this. One, that I found especially helpful is “From the Courtroom of Heaven To the Throne of Grace and Mercy” by Jeanette Strauss.  She has another book that I found interesting as well.  It is entitled “From God’s Hands to your Land – Blessings”.

Here are a few more books for those who truly want to learn all they can about this amazing revelation of how we can work in the courts of heaven to bring God’s will to earth and obtain answers to prayer.  I have purchased all of the books listed on this page and found them to be helpful.

The Courtroom Ministry of Heaven by Randy Colver (A Journey into the Celestial Courtroom Procedures of Heaven) –

Standing in the Council of the Lord by Carlton Kenney
