George Müller – Mr. Müller’s Marriage
In Vol. 3 of The Narrative, Mr. Müller shows the ordering of God in his meeting with and subsequent marriage to his
In Vol. 3 of The Narrative, Mr. Müller shows the ordering of God in his meeting with and subsequent marriage to his
"In November, 1856, a young Irishman, Mr. James McQuilkin, was brought to the knowledge of the Lord. Soon after his conversion he
The Bristol Church with which Mr. Müller was connected has been privileged to set an example to the Church of God of
In the year 1875, when seventy years of age, Mr. Müller was led to start on his Missionary Tours, and during the
"In giving the statistics of the previous year 1871-72, I referred already to the great spiritual blessing, which it pleased the Lord
"Jan. 1, 1869. From Scotland £50 for Missions, £25 for the circulation of the Holy Scriptures and £25 for the circulation of
"July 25, 1865. From the neighbourhood of London £100, with the following letter: 'My dear Sir, I believe that it is through
"Should this, however, be read by any who are not believers in the Lord Jesus, but who are going on in the
"The joy which answers to prayer, cannot be described; and the impetus which they afford to the spiritual life is exceedingly great.
"Sept. 30, 1869. From Yorkshire £50. Received also One Thousand Pounds today for the Lord's work in China About this donation it