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Dr. Sandra Kennedy gives an example of Abraham, who did not waver in unbelief, but was convinced in His mind that God had done what He said in His word. Sandra asserts that Christians are to be convinced about God. Now, faith is a spiritual issue, which means that the things that God has said can be reached through faith, which means that our spiritual man should reach out and take what God has already done. What God has said He has already done it, He is resting, waiting for us to join Him, thereby accepting and activating what He has done in our lives.

It takes faith to do what you can’t see in the natural. The Bible says that the righteous walk by faith. Righteousness is a gift from God that all who are born again have, it is not subject to gradation, nor is it conditional, but even if you are guilty of Sin, God is able to forgive you, cleansing you from all unrighteousness. We therefore notice that righteousness is a gift from God. The Bible says that the prayer of a righteous man avails much, which means that the prayer of faith avails much, and this is the launching pad of faith, in knowing that you are righteous. Click on the Video above to learn about the launchpad of faith.