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Psalms 103:3 [KJV] states “…Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;…” This speaks to a power that came into you when you were born again. Sandra Kennedy Teaches about the Spirit, Soul and Body, and how the Spirit contains all that you need for following Jesus and healing. Even as a Christian, your body is susceptible to disease and weakness, but what we don’t often realize is that the power to reverse that condition is within us, we just haven’t declared it yet. Some of the things that prevent us from connecting with the healing power that comes from God is our minds and emotions, which the soul consists of. These elements prevent us from thinking the thoughts of God, from accepting the word of God and declaring with our minds what God has already planned and done for us. While God has already healed us, we opt to listed to our bodies, which are none the wiser about what God desires in us. We chose to listen to our five senses. By studying the Word of God, our mind and emotions are transformed to confess the miracles of God in our lives, declaring in faith, believing that God’s action in our bodies is real, and accepting the healing. We cannot let our bodies tell us anything about God, we must source it from the Word of God, the Bible, and through that our minds get transformed. Another thing that prevents us from receiving our healing is forgiveness and repentance. These two conditions have to do with committing wrong, or being wronged. We must take the necessary steps to remove these barriers from receiving what is ours, as declared in the Word of God.