A Chosen Generation| Mel Bond

1 Peter 2:9, the Bible says that Jesus paid the price for you to be a chosen generation, a royal priesthood.  He

A Chosen Generation| Mel Bond2014-11-26T07:00:37+00:00

God’s Power | Mel Bond

Jesus said in Matthew 10:8, He said "Freely you've received, so freely give."  He's talking about the power of God, that God

God’s Power | Mel Bond2014-11-23T07:00:59+00:00

Mind Of Christ | Mel Bond

Philippians 2:5, God is giving us an invitation; Really, its a commandment.  He says, "Let this mind be in you, which was

Mind Of Christ | Mel Bond2014-11-21T07:00:45+00:00

Jesus And The Cross | Mel Bond

Do you know that when Jesus died on the cross, and He said, "It's finished," what He was saying that He did,

Jesus And The Cross | Mel Bond2014-11-19T07:00:26+00:00

God’s Loving Kindness | Mel Bond

Please allow me to pray for you: "Dear God, I thank you for your goodness and I thank you that there isn't

God’s Loving Kindness | Mel Bond2014-11-15T06:00:42+00:00

Power Of God | Mel Bond

If you would like to have more of God's miracle working power in your life, spend more time in God's Word.  Romans

Power Of God | Mel Bond2014-11-13T06:00:52+00:00

Successful Marriage | Mel Bond

I want to talk to you again about having a successful marriage.  The second thing in having a successful marriage is making

Successful Marriage | Mel Bond2014-11-10T06:00:47+00:00

His Word Is Spirit | Mel Bond

Amen, God is a good God.  1 Corinthians 2:9, the Bible plainly says, "Eyes have never seen, ears have never heard, it's

His Word Is Spirit | Mel Bond2014-11-06T06:00:20+00:00
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